Tuesday 3 January 2012

5 Killer Tips To Know Before You Start Blogging

I Blog as a full time profession and I depend on blogging for living…….the first time I created a blog, it changed my life from that moment”   ------- Darren Rowse
          Blogging is a whole new life altogether. You have to take your bath, take your meals and go for medical checkups, the same also applies to blogging you have to choose your theme, post articles and so on. It requires a lot of work so as in daily life. But before you start all this what are the things you have to note to see whether you have the morale for blogging.
·       Have A Goal
This is the most important aspect of blogging: YOU MUST HAVE A GOAL
Many people start blogging without having a goal as to what they are blogging about. Moreover u must also know what you are blogging about, whether lifestyle, fishing, technology, etc. Ask yourself this question: I’M I BLOGGING FOR PASSION OR FOR MONETARY PURPOSES?
·       Creative
Creativity is the bedrock of every successful blogger. Ability to invent new techniques or new products may slowly drive you the peak of success. Try as much as possible to create new products for your audience. A perfect role-model of creativity is Steve Jobs who has his motto to be “Think differently”

·       Time Management Oriented
Every blogger must be time conscious. You must know when and how to publish your post, the number of hours you spend on the pc and the number of hours you have to rest. Yes its very important to take breaks between you working hours. Spending longer time on the pc could cause cancer.
·       Good Researcher
Before you become a successful blogger, you have to be a very good researcher. You have to spend a lot of time surfing the web or reading books or any literature either to increase you traffic or your earnings if you are a money blogger
·       Devoted
Blogging requires devotion: you have to spend a hell of time in order to achieve your goal. You have to treat it as your life, wife or your child. Pay critical attention to it always.

Now that you have known what you need to start blogging ask yourself:
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